Monday, 23 November 2020

Writing Blog 2- November 2020

Since writing the first part of my writing blog over two months ago, I have made almost no progress at all on The Obscurati Chronicles. I looked back at when I first began the novel draft and was stunned at how long it has taken me. It has literally been an entire year and all I've managed to write is the first four chapters. At this rate, how long will it take for me to complete the novel? The reason this project has so far been so slow is because I am so busy dealing with my other commitments, HPANWO Radio, Voice and TV; riding the tumultuous rollercoaster of current affairs. So much is going on in the real world, how can I turn my back on it and immerse myself in one of my imagination? Such immersion is essential for producing a good piece of fiction. I take time out every so often to research, revise or write new pieces; but the real world is always there, distracting me out of my creative reverie. To be fair, this year has been far more eventful than any other in my entire life. Writing just four chapters during 2020 is a significant achievement. Maybe things will calm down next year and I can free up some time and mental energy to continue Obscurati. If I cannot then I'm afraid I can't guarantee the novel will be finished within the decade, let alone a shorter schedule. I'll see how it goes. At the moment I am considering giving up on the idea of a book altogether and just serializing it online. I will be publishing the two chapters I have written since the last published sample. Time will tell. What I will pledge is that if I haven't finished Chapter Five by the end of February it will go on Ben's Bookcase as well. I'm really sorry to those of you who have been expecting a new book by next year or something. It's not the usual authors' excuses about "writers block" or a "lack of inspiration". It is literally a workload issue. I have my limits and there is only one of me. What I might do is take a hiatus altogether from Obscurati and try something else quicker and less ambitious to build my confidence. Ever since I wrote it, I have had a plan to adapt my novella Ouija into a stage play, see: and: I have started doing that. I will not abandon the novel altogether, but I can't promise my rate of progress will increase. In the meantime, watch this page for the two extra samples.
See here for the existing samples. Chapter One:
And Chapter Two:
See here for the previous Writing Blog: