My latest book Roswell Revealed- a World After Disclosure, is now available and I've decided to do the
same thing as I did before, put up a sample first segment online. This will hopefully give readers an idea of what the book is
about and encourage them to purchase the complete book.
For those of you who have not read the first novel, I advise you to do so
before reading this sample because it is a continuation of the same
story and also contains a few spoilers about the first book. Roswell Rising is available at all good
bookshops, see here for details:
I hope you enjoy the
sample below.
by Ben Emlyn-Jones
Chapter 1
The woods were so different
to the desert. After a getting used to blazing sunshine, sand, dry cracked
earth and hardy cacti, Siobhan Quilley found her current surroundings alien.
Water was everywhere. A treacly fog hung over the forest, filling the air with
wetness. It soaked the insides of her nose and lungs, and dripped from the tree
branches. Muddy leaves stuck to her shoes and the damp leaked in through the
holes in them. A stream gurgled downhill ahead. Birds chirruped above and
around her invisible in the miasma. The brown cracked faces of tree trunks rose
up to meet her and faded behind as she walked along the path. She tightened the
collar of her jacket against the chill as she stepped over the low wooden
bridge crossing the stream. Its splintery handrails were thick with moss and
lichen. A small beetle crawled over the top; she moved her left hand just in
time to avoid it. She stopped and watched it clambering over to the underside
of the handrail. It was shiny and black; it moved with a purpose and intent
that she could never hope to understand. She carried on walking to the other
side and looked upwards. The patient sun was still shining somewhere above the
fog, somewhere above the low clouds. She didn't really want to go outside, but
she had to. She was hungry.
The forest path circuited the edge of the
neighbourhood and she followed it precisely. She had more sense than to walk
along the highway or traverse the streets of Uniontown. She didn't want to
repeat Libby's mistakes; and Siobhan had taken a double precaution. Through the
trees she caught glimpses of the deserted houses with their overgrown lawns.
There were improvised wind generators, rain butts and barbed wire cordons
around the homes of the few remaining residents. Siobhan emerged from the woods
and darted over to the mouth of an alleyway, looking around her carefully.
There was a shopping centre at the end of Fayette Street , but it was impossible to reach it without using the
main road through a residential area to the north of the town. The paving of
the road was cracked and long grass was growing through. She didn't see a
moving car until she had reached the junction. A low red sedan turned the
corner, crawling slowly to save petrol, like all cars did at that time. She
ducked behind a hedge and peeked out at it as it drove past. Luckily it didn't
stop. The mall was a sprawling battered grey concrete structure surrounded by a
car park. The only vehicles there were abandoned ones with flat tyres, covered
in rust. She trod carefully over the concrete, avoiding the windblown tree
branches and old matchwood boxes. The signboards above the shop fronts were
dulled and broken. Many of the windows were glassless or lined by jagged
shards. She picked a way through the broken remains of consumerist splendour to
a large supermarket at the end of the strip. The sliding doors had come off
their runners and a metal shelf lay across the entrance. Siobhan lifted up her
skirt and eased herself over it. She took out her torch and switched it on,
scanning the darkness. A rat scurried away with a squeak. Then she spotted a
chaotic jumble of canned food and smiled. She ran over and crouched down,
opening her satchel. She tucked five of the cans into it, not bothering to look
at what they contained. Her stomach rumbled at the thought of whatever their
contents were. The meagre rations served at Eberly were not enough. She stood
up and headed out of the store, anxious not to hang around in the area. Many
people raided the forsaken retail sphere of Uniontown and they were not all
friendly. What they couldn't find on the derelict shelves they were quite
willing to take from others if given a chance.
The wind has risen slightly and because of
the noise it made, she never heard the three men approaching. They rounded the
corner at the end of the strip beside an old sports shop, just as she was
walking diagonally across the car park. They stopped dead in their tracks as
they spotted her. She froze in shock. Then one of the men smiled. "Well
hello there, young lady." He had ragged clothes, hair and a full brown
beard. Some of his teeth were missing. His eyes gleamed dangerously.
"Fancy meeting you here. What's your name?" He started walking towards
Siobhan edged away.
"Now there's no need to worry your
pretty head, baby." he continued. "We ain't gonna hurt you." He
was striding faster and his two companions copied him.
Siobhan turned and ran. She heard by their
footsteps that the men started running too. She pounded out of the car park and
up the road towards the woods. She had sensibly fled before they'd got too
close, but her strength was failing. Her heart beat against her ribcage as if
it wanted to burst out of her chest, and it thudded painfully in her gullet.
She choked and spat as she panted. She was running slower and slower. The men
were gaining on her. There was no other choice. She stopped running and turned
to face the approaching men. She reached into her jacket pocket and pulled out
her revolver. She levelled it at the trio and flicked off the safety catch with
her thumb. "Stay back!... Stay back!" she puffed.
The men stood still about twenty feet away,
staring at her. Their chests heaved from the exertion. Then the man with the
missing teeth grinned again. "Now then, now then. Sweet young gals like
you shouldn't be messin' with no guns. Why don't you put that down? We only
want to talk..." He lunged forward. Siobhan pulled the trigger and the gun
crashed against the ball of her thumb. The report echoed off the walls of the
houses on either side of the road. She saw the man lurch backwards and fall.
Before he'd hit the ground she was running again. She reached the end of the
road by the alleyway and looked back. Nobody was in sight. She made the weapon
safe and slid it back into her pocket. Her ears were still ringing from its
noise. Then she stood for a moment, bowed with her hands on her knees to
recover her breath. She heard a car engine approaching from the junction to her
right and reacted immediately, darting into the alley pulling her satchel tight
over her shoulder. She peeked out fearfully, but when she saw the approaching
vehicle she sighed with relief and ran out to meet it waving. "Hey
there!... Hey!" she called. The vehicle was an open-topped Land Rover with
four men in it. They were all dressed in identical bright blue baseball caps
and their vehicle was crudely sprayed the same colour. Stencilled along the
side were the words ROGER'S RAIDERS.
The vehicle stopped as the driver saw her. "Hello there." he called
back. "You from Eberly?"
"Yes." she replied as she reached
the Land Rover.
"Then what are you doing here in town?
It's not safe."
"I had to get some food." She
tapped her satchel.
"Well jump in; we'll run you
"Thanks. Are you Roger?"
"Sure am."
She sat in the back seat between two of the
men. They were big and tough-looking, brandishing assault rifles in their arms,
at the ready. They wore bandoliers and webbing with ammunition and other
weapons. She felt safe and comforted with them on either side of her. She told
them about her encounter with the three men at the mall; leaving out part about
shooting one of them. Roger met the eyes of his fellows. "OK, we'll check
it out after we've dropped you off." His voice was low and businesslike.
Then he turned back to Siobhan. "Do you know Libby?"
"Yes, she's a friend of mine."
"How is she?"
She shrugged. "Still a bit
Roger nodded grimly. "We caught the
two guys who did it. We spotted them coming out of the woods at New Salem, near
where it happened."
"What did you do with them?"
"Killed them of course." His
voice was sing-song and casual.
Siobhan felt a pang of shock. "Are you
sure you got the right guys?"
"Oh yeah... well, sure as you can be
these days... That saying, we tortured them a bit first and they didn't
confess. That's unusual." He drew a combat dagger from a chest-mounted
sheath. Its shiny steel blade glinted in the afternoon light; its upper edge
was serrated, jagged and regular like a shark's teeth. "It's not often a
man can keep a secret when he's on the wrong end of one of these." Roger
and his colleagues drove confidently along the highway out of Uniontown. It was
a ten minute drive to Mount Braddock on the empty road. It was starting to get dark by
then. The vigilantes watched Siobhan dutifully until she was behind the
security gate. Then they waved goodbye to her and drove off.
The Eberly campus was one of the few working
colleges of Pennsylvania State University left. It had been built as an open-plan institution
with a large fenceless lawn facing onto the highway. Today however the lawn was
a jungle of long grass and late flowers; and the entire facility was encircled
by a high, badly-laid brick wall topped with barbed wire. Siobhan walked into
the common room. Ethan looked up from his armchair. "Hi, Vorny."
"Good evening, Ethan." she
snapped. "Don't shorten my name please! I've asked you that before."
"Sorry, Sio-bhan!" he answered sarcastically. Ethan was a tall and
well-built man with a handsome face. Siobhan did fantasize about him
occasionally, but he was so arrogant and obnoxious that she had disliked him
since she had first met him.
Libby was sitting at the other end of the
room reading a book. "Hi, Libby."
She looked up and smiled. Her black eye had
almost healed now. "Hi, Siobhan." Her head immediately dropped back
into her book.
Siobhan paused and looked at her sadly.
Until the previous week Libby and she would have had a longer conversation, but
the social and ebullient girl she used to be was now withdrawn and taciturn. It
was the previous Monday that she had walked calmly into that same room, holding
her torn clothes together with her scuffed hands and explained as best as she
could through her swollen and bleeding mouth that she had been raped. There was
not much they could do. The college nurse treated her to the extent the college
infirmary's resources allowed. The nearest functioning hospital was in Pittsburgh fifty miles away. Ethan drove her there; but, after
waiting all night for treatment, the doctors couldn't give her any care that
the nurse hadn't already. Of course they had phoned the police immediately.
After five minutes of ringing somebody in the Fayette County sheriff's office picked up the phone. The
tired-sounding person on the end made a note of the particulars and said:
"OK, we'll be in touch." and immediately hung up. "I bet he's
the only cop left in Fayette County !" hissed Shirley, another student. Then Siobhan
remembered the fly-poster that had been pasted to a lamp post just outside the
college and they called Roger's Raiders. Roger and his men were the mirror
opposite of the police. They turned up at Eberly within fifteen minutes, got
the details of the crime from Libby and headed straight off to deal with it;
guns in the air, tyres screeching on the road.
Siobhan went straight upstairs to her
dormitory and plugged her charger into her roamphone. She wanted to get that
done before the electricity went off, as it always did at eight PM . All Eberly's power came from a diesel generator in
the back of a lorry parked outside; but the stocks of fuel were dwindling. She
knew she'd be getting a call soon and wanted the phone's battery to be up. She
got out her can opener and scoffed the contents of the tins in her satchel.
They were baked beans, tuna and sweet corn; all uncooked, but she didn't care.
Then Siobhan went over to where she had hung up her jacket on the hook on the
door and took out her gun. She stared at it in the dim light from the single
bulb hanging from the ceiling. Its nickel-plated finish glittered. It was a
Smith and Wesson 36 that her father had given her. He'd also taken her to a
range and taught her how to use it properly. Most of his lessons were just
about safety. She knew never to point the weapon at anything she didn't want to
shoot and to "clear" it when she wasn't using it. She did that now,
opening the flip-out cylinder and tipping the five rounds onto her bed. The gun
took .38 calibre rounds. The bullets were rough lead jacketless ball embedded
in a smooth, shiny brass cylindrical casing. One of them was different though.
The bullet was gone and the casing was light and empty. Its tapered end was now
flared outwards slightly and its interior was caked with black soot. The
chamber it had been in was also covered in soot, as was the barrel. She took a
handkerchief and a length of wire out of a drawer and cleaned the weapon the
way her father had showed her. The soot easily came off on the handkerchief,
staining it like oil. "I've just killed somebody." Siobhan said to
herself aloud. She stopped and looked up at the window, watching the twilight
clouds passing by for a moment. She was surprised at how nonchalant she felt
about it. A few years ago her mother had come down with cancer and Siobhan
recalled how quickly the shock of the fact had dissolved into a cool
acceptance; almost a meaninglessness. Luckily her mother had survived, but for
a while she had a terminal prognosis and Siobhan thought her mother was going
to die. It was frightening how easily the unthinkable could become normal.
Maybe he wasn't dead; maybe he'd survived the shot. She found herself hoping
desperately for a moment that this was the case. Then she stopped herself
indignantly. Why did she want him to live? He was chasing her, obviously in an
attempt to harm her in some way. Maybe in the same way some men had indeed done
to Libby the previous week. She killed him in self-defence; she had nothing to
feel guilty for. Maybe this trio were in fact Libby's real violators and
Roger's men had lynched the wrong suspects. This was shameful on their part;
but if Siobhan had in fact killed one of Libby's attackers then this was a good
thing. She should feel proud of herself for unknowingly administering folk
justice on a cruel and violent abuser. She may well have saved other women from
future indignity. But what if she'd made a mistake too? He'd said "We only want to talk." What if that
were true? "No!" she told herself aloud. She had seen the aggressive
looks on their faces; she had not misjudged them. She had never wanted a gun
originally and tried to talk her father out of it; but he had insisted. She
shivered as she imagined what might have happened today if she had not been
armed. He had been right all along.
Siobhan put aside her ambivalent thoughts
as she waited for her roam to ring. She checked the signal and it was only
showing one bar, but that was as good as it got in that part of Pennsylvania . She placed the gun and its ammunition in the bottom
drawer of her bedside cabinet. She still had enough left for three or four full
reloads in a tin box. Hopefully she wouldn't need them. She locked the drawer
and tucked the key into her purse. The roam-phone bleeped. She pulled out the
charger and pressed the answer button. "Hello?"
"Hi, dad." She rolled her eyes at
his abrupt voice.
"Is everything alright?"
"Yes, dad. I'm fine."
"No trouble?"
"No." This was a lie and her
voice caught slightly at the end of the word.
Her father detected this.
"Really." She paused. "How's
"Not bad. She missed me a bit while I
was in Abyssinia . Wished I hadn't gone. She's still a bit mad at me
for it."
"But you came back three weeks
"Do tell!... How's school?"
"OK. I'm still working on that essay
about Walter Cronkite. I've even written him a gram; he's not replied,
but..." She stopped as the light went off, plunging the room into darkness.
The noise of the generator ceased. The sound was so omnipresent that she only
noticed it now by its absence.
"What's the matter?" her father
"Nothing, dad. It's just eight PM ; lights out time."
"Alright... Now, don't forget..."
"... to be alert at all times."
she interrupted, imitating her father's voice. "Keep my gun oiled and
loaded. Don't go outside by myself. Keep my roam on at all times. Lock my dorm
door at night. Report any suspicious activity to the dean. I know! I know! I'm
not a little kid, dad; I'm twenty-three years old!"
"I know, honey; but I care about you.
And Pennsylvania is a pretty dark place at the moment."
"Yeah; in more ways than one... How's
things at home? Is Brendan OK?" Siobhan regularly felt a lot of concern
for her younger brother. He was only six years old and she had always been very
protective of him.
"Fine. Enjoying elementary
school." He gave a few more details of her brother's life.
"Are you staying in Vegas?"
"I've got a few more days off then I'm
going on the new expedition to Area 51. Your mom's not happy about that, but I
really need to go. I'm heading up the press corps."
She had a sudden idea. "Why not let me
come too, dad? I'm overdue for a field assignment; and, to be honest, Eberly's
pissing me off like crazy. I need a break."
"No! Not a chance. It's way too
"Oh come on, dad! What's there to make
it dangerous? You went there last year after Saucer Day and the folk there had
"Yes, but we only explored a small
part of the base; then we left because we weren't sure what else was waiting
for us and we didn't have the safety equipment and weapons necessary."
"Well now you do, so what's the
"The problem is it's still unsafe. We
don't know what dangers might still lurk in the darkest recesses of the
"Dad, how can I call myself a reporter
if I am kept away from stories just because of danger?"
"You're not a reporter, Siobhan!
You're a student of journalism."
"Yes, but..."
"No, Siobhan! You are my daughter and
it's my duty to keep you out of harm's way. You are not coming on the mission to Area 51 and that is final."
The subject changed and Siobhan finished
the call with her father a few minutes later. She threw the roamphone down on
her bed and growled with frustration. There was no point brooding, she decided;
she had far too much else to do. She lit a candle and got to work on her essay.
Some of her notes were on her computer and she wouldn't be able to access it
until morning when the electricity went on; so she left blank spaces on the
handwritten pages. The machine stood still, silent and useless on her desk. She
looked at it and sighed. After Saucer Day everybody asked when they were going
to be able to purchase their own Digby Carrousel generator from their local
hardware shop; indeed Eberly campus needed it more than anybody, but the
experts on TV said: "It takes time to adapt the infrastructure".
She'd heard the word infrastructure a
lot lately, but she still didn't know what it meant. What's more that was over
a year ago now. By ten PM
she felt herself getting drowsy. She undressed for bed and brushed her teeth in
the college's permanently cold water. A year ago she would have prayed before
bedtime, but she had stopped just before Saucer Day. She still went to mass
when she was at home with her family in Nevada , but it had begun to feel more and more like putting
on an act. She shrugged as she blew out the candle and settled down on the damp
mattress. Her last thought before she drifted off to sleep was about the beetle
she'd seen that morning, crawling on the handrail of the bridge crossing the
creek. She had moved her hand, careful to avoid harming it; but it was just an
insect. Was that normal behaviour?
Siobhan awoke slowly with the
sunrise. Out of her small window she could see that the murk of the previous
day had cleared. She got out of bed and stretched. Her belly was aching
slightly; a familiar feeling. She glanced at her calendar. "Damn!"
she hissed. The time had passed so quickly. A row of terylene napkins was
hanging from a piece of string stretched across her room. She had hung them up
to dry last month and forgotten to take them down. She pulled one of them off,
knowing she would need it again soon. During her early foraging trips to the
derelict grocery shops of Uniontown she had managed to loot a few packets of
disposable paper ladies' towels, but such things were a luxury nowadays. All
the girls in the college just had to rummage for whatever textile they could
find and wash them as best as they could between uses. There was a coughing
sound from generator outside the window and it settled into a steady rumble.
The lightbulb in the ceiling flickered and then switched on. She smiled to
herself and powered up the computer. She gasped as she opened her E-grams.
"My God!" There was a reply from Walter Cronkite. She quickly clicked
on it. "Dear Siobhan. It was good to
receive your E-gram. I'm pleased you have chosen to pursue a career in
journalism..." He went on for a dozen more sentences. She glowed with
pride. She had written to him almost as if to herself, a ritual part of her
education procedure, never imagining that one of the greatest reporters in the
world would take the time and effort to respond to a mere journalism student at
a public college, especially since Saucer Day. After reading the E-gram she
called up his meshboard in her browser, The board
contained many pages, some of which included embedded vidcasts of his TV news
programmes. She watched one of them. Cronkite was a softly spoken man in his
early forties with dark hair and a sparse moustache; one of the most famous
faces and voices in the world. "...and
that's the way it is..." he said at the end of the cast. She raised
her eyebrows as she imagined herself sitting beside him in the television
studio. "Wow!"
She washed, dressed and went to the
refectory for breakfast, which consisted of a single slice of bread and a
tangerine. The cook was careful to make sure all the students stamped their
ration cards. Siobhan's E-gram from Cronkite had thrilled her and she boasted
about it to her friends; some of them didn't believe her. One line of the
E-gram in particular reignited a hope that her father's words had extinguished
the previous evening. After breakfast she knocked on the door of her tutor's
office. Mr Slayman was there and told her to enter. She felt trepidation as she
spoke because she needed his permission. She tried to keep calm and not blurt
out nervously. He also did not believe her when she told him she'd been in
E-gram correspondence with Walter Cronkite. In the end she took him to her dorm
and showed it to him on the computer monitor. That clinched it. He printed out
the necessary paperwork immediately and Siobhan wrote an E-gram reply to
Siobhan's first challenge was
how to travel to Washington DC . Of course no buses or trains had arrived or departed
at Fayette for months. The only friends she knew with cars, and with whom she
had the kind of relationship in which she could ask them to give her a lift,
were down to their last few gallons of fuel. They were only willing to use it
for emergencies, like when Ethan took Libby to Pittsburgh hospital. This meant Siobhan had to walk back to
Uniontown again and do some more looting, except this time for very a different
kind of swag. She had already spotted the house she thought gave her the best
opportunity; she had become very observant of her shattered environment during
the last few months. It was a large isolated property surrounded by a copse of
trees just outside town on the western highway to Fairdale. It had a big
detached garage and a few broken windows, indicating that there might be at
least one vehicle left and nobody around to lay claim to it. She used a large
rock to hammer away the glass shards of a window and then found the catch and
opened it. It took her twenty minutes searching the lonely house to find the
keys to the garage and the car. The residents had not rushed out in a panic.
They had abandoned their home in a collected manner, packing as many belongings
as they could. The car was old, a pre-Disclosure Ford. It was covered in a
layer of dust, but was undamaged. The petrol tank was almost full, easily
enough for the journey, and there was good pressure in the tyres. It took a
long time to start its cold dry engine, but eventually Siobhan managed to drive
the car out of the garage and onto the highway to Mount Braddock . She had no driving licence, but nobody cared about
that nowadays. She took the car to Eberly and packed her bags. She bade her
fellow students a more heartfelt farewell than she would have in yesteryears.
She expected only to be away for a week or two, but things were so uncertain at
that time.
It was twilight when Siobhan left the
campus and set a course through the eastern hills, sticking to small roads and
avoiding the highways where it was not safe. A squadron of military helicopters
passed overhead. The government was clearly still very much in control of the
country... or at least they wanted the people to think that. However their
control was strictly confined to the macro level. Small communities under their
sociological radar meant nothing to them. Night fell quickly out in the
countryside. The sky was clear and it was a crisp autumnal evening; stars
spread out above her. The car was fitted with satellite-director, but she
didn't even bother switching it on because she knew it would not be working.
Her own roamphone lost its signal within a mile of leaving Fayette County . She had a road atlas with her and stopped every few
miles to check her location, switching on the reading light above the
windscreen. The landscape became more and more rugged as she climbed through
the Ridge and Valley region. There were a few towns marked on the map, but she
didn't see them; probably because they were blacked out like most other places.
Occasionally a point of yellow light appeared between the trees and bushes;
perhaps a farmhouse with its own diesel generator. She had begun to feel calm,
even to enjoy the quiet isolation when some people suddenly appeared in her
headlights. She slowed the car quickly to avoid getting too close. She stopped
twenty feet from them, engaged the handbrake and groped at the catch of the
glove compartment where she had put her gun. Then she noticed that the people
were steadily walking across the road and they were mostly elderly; however
there were a few younger families and even one or two children. A few of them
turned and looked at her. They smiled and waved. Siobhan moved the car to the
side of the road and decamped, leaving her gun behind. "Hello there."
said an old woman with smooth white hair. "What's your name?"
"Welcome, Siobhan." she replied.
"I'm Ireenee." Some of the others spoke to her. There were about
forty of them. Their manner was friendly but unusual, as if they knew her and
were expecting her. They all spoke with a strange accent, one that Siobhan had
heard a few times since she'd enrolled at Eberly; one that was associated with
people who lived in the eastern mountains. "Would you like to come with
us, Siobhan?" asked an old man.
"Where are you going?"
"To skywatch."
"Skywatch? What does that mean?"
"Come with us and we'll show you."
She felt inexplicably at ease with these
people and followed them as they crossed the road and walked in single file
along a narrow footpath; a few of them had torches to light their way. The path
led through the dense forest with bushes on either side, so close that twigs
tugged at her sleeve. It turned sharply uphill. She had to pant a little with
the effort the steepening contours caused. After a few more minutes the trees
became sparser and eventually the path opened out into a clearing that covered
the peak of the hill. The moon was almost full and the sky clear, lighting up
the scene perfectly. The surrounding hills were ash-grey shadows looming in
rows to the horizon like desert dunes. The sky was a haze of stars, so many
Siobhan had not seen in the glare of her car's headlights. With her eyes
adjusted to the night, the moon was almost dazzling to look at. The people
spread out in a loose cluster, chattering with excitement. "What are we
doing up here?" asked Siobhan.
"You'll see." responded Ireenee.
The people quietened down and looked
upwards. They were not completely silent; they muttered quietly to each other.
Those with torches began pointing them at the sky. Their beams waved two and
fro like spotlights, their ends swallowed up in the infinity of the universe
above their heads. Standing still made Siobhan feel cold. It was only October
and not frosty, but there was a heavy, damp chill in the air. Then one of the
men exclaimed and pointed. Everybody else followed his direction, chattering
excitedly. "There!"... "Can you see it?"... "Just over
there!"... Siobhan looked and noticed that one of the stars was moving. A
medium magnitude point of light was crawling in a straight line across the
heavens. There was another gasp from the people as the light suddenly stopped
moving and brightened. The people began flicking their torches on and off. The
light flicked on and off too. The skywatchers and the light in the sky were
soon copying each other. They laughed with delight. "Come closer!... Come
closer!" they implored. The light became brighter and brighter until it
was more than just a single point. It took on a distinct oval shape.
"My God!" muttered Siobhan.
"Is that...?"
"Yes!" the old lady chortled.
"It's an MFO. They've come to us again." For the next few minutes the
people cheered and laughed with delight. "Come closer! Come closer!"
they continued to call. The Mysterious Flying Object remained hovering where it
was, at an elevation of about thirty degrees. Its bright egg-shape had an
apparent size of about a quarter of a full moon. It scintillated like a
diamond, occasionally different colours flickered across it; freckles of red,
orange, blue and green. When she had recovered from the surprise, Siobhan took
out her roam and switched on its camera to record the scene. A few other people
were doing the same, but they were using special cameras with big wide lenses.
"Isn't it beautiful?" Ireenee
shone her torch upwards at her own face; it looked very strange lit from
underneath. "They used to laugh at us! They called us crazy... Well,
they're not laughing any more!"
"I know." Siobhan nodded.
"We all know now. My dad..." She stopped herself, deciding it was
best not to reveal her family connection to Saucer Day. "How close will it
"It depends. It once landed and we met
the guys inside."
"Really?" Siobhan felt her jaw
drop. "What are they like?"
"Like the ones you see on TV, except
alive. They look so different alive. Their eyes are glowing, full of
vitality... I've been seeing them my whole life. Sometimes they come to me and
take me away with them, to their ships... Nobody believed me. When I was a
little girl they put me in hospital. They thought I was nuts."
Siobhan looked back at her with sympathy.
"I'm sorry."
"It's all alright now though, Siobhan.
The truth has finally come out and everybody knows it! Isn't it
wonderful?" Ireenee grasped her arm joyfully.
A new sound rose in the distance; a low,
deep rumble. At first Siobhan thought it was thunder, but it was continuous and
growing. The people on the hilltop became alarmed. They turned their heads away
from the MFO. "What's going on?" one asked. She soon recognized the
sound as the engines of a military combat jet. It grew louder and louder until
everybody was covering their ears. The interceptor was invisible, flying
without navigation lights, but they all heard it swoop low over the top of the
hill. A star blinked as the night-shrouded aircraft briefly eclipsed it. The
reaction from the MFO was immediate. It shot upwards instantly like a leaping
flea. Siobhan just had time to see it fade out into the distance overhead. The
skywatchers groaned and booed in their disappointment. "Get away!...
Goddamnit!... Spoilsport!" they yelled at the aircraft as it circled
"Sorry about that." said Ireenee
to Siobhan. "We didn't expect that to happen. They scared it off."
"They must have picked it up on
radar." said a man a few feet away. "Scrambled the air force to
tackle it."
"Did they hurt it?" asked
"No. Those MFO's can move faster than
anything we've got... Doesn't stop us trying though."
"It would have been cool if the MFO
landed." said Siobhan. "I'd like to have seen the guys inside."
The skywatching party lingered on the
hilltop for a few more minutes then made their way back down the hill to the
road by about eleven PM . They said
goodbye to Siobhan in the same strange tone of voice with which they greeted
her, as if they had seen her before and they expected to see her again soon.
They had wished her a pleasant journey and gone back to their homes.
Siobhan sat in the car and
watched the video recording she had made on her roamphone. There was nothing
there except the audio. Occasionally the camera had picked up the skywatchers'
torches, but it was simply not designed for night shots. Her roam was a cheap
model, getting old now. Some better and newer roams could have picked up the
MFO, but hers couldn't. She deleted the file and put the device down on the
passenger seat. She started the engine and sat for a moment, disconcerting
thoughts running through her head; then she put the car into gear, switched on
the headlamps and continued her journey.
She joined the highway just
outside Rockville , Maryland . She had once lived in this leafy little town for a
few happy years of her life. She was tempted to dip in and have a quick look at
the house which had been her home; but it was now almost four AM and she needed to get a move on. She was getting
drowsy. She had been tempted to stop the car and cat-nap at the side of the
road. "Got to keep going." she told herself. "I'll get plenty of
sleep on the plane." The Beltway area looked fairly much as she remembered
it. The streetlights were all on and the road paving was in good condition.
There were cars and lorries accompanying her, but only one or two at this early
hour. She headed west at the intersection, planning to follow the
I-four-nine-five to her destination, however something was blocking the road
just before she reached the Potomac bridge. At first she thought it was a crashed truck,
but as she got closer she saw that it was a wall. It had been built across the
road as if it had been thrown there. She got out of the car to have a look at
it. It was crudely-laid bare breeze block topped with a roll of razor wire. The
tarmac of the road dipped down to meet it at the point it touched the ground,
as if it had simply been built over the top without foundations. She got back
into the car and retraced her steps, but the wall had blocked off many
thoroughfares west of the Capitol. She had to travel all the way back to Frederick to cross the river and it was five-thirty AM when she
finally pulled into the car park at Washington International Airport . She assumed she wouldn't be coming back to the car
again so she didn't both taking the keys out of the ignition. She carried her
bags through the car park to the departure hall.
Siobhan rolled her eyes with frustration
when she saw the departures board. There were no flights at all until ten AM
and none to Las
Vegas until
three-thirty PM. There was no alternative but to wait. She went over to the
American Airlines ticket desk where a smartly-dressed Latina woman smiled as she saw her approach. However before
she could speak to her a policeman standing nearby called her over. "Good
morning, ma'am. A moment of your time. Can you tell me where you're going
please?" He was a large black man and he wore a blue crowd control helmet
above his normal uniform.
"Las Vegas ."
He took out a notebook and pen. "Could
I take your name please?"
"Siobhan Quilley."
"And your date of birth."
"Twentieth of May 1935." she spat
irritably. "Could I go and buy a plane ticket now, officer?"
"I'm afraid you're not authorized to
travel from this airport today, ma'am."
She gaped. "What!?"
"Washington International is currently
commandeered for official government use only."
"But this is a civil airport!"
"I'm sorry, Miss Quilley. You'll need
to take that matter up with the State Department."
"But... Jesus!..."
The policeman raised his head indicating
that the matter was not negotiable.
Siobhan's annoyed walk back to the car
turned into a panicked dash as she remembered she'd left the keys in it,
thinking that she wouldn't be needing it again. Somebody else had thought that
too. When she arrived back at the car park there was an empty space where she'd
parked it. She dropped her bags and groaned. She felt a bit tearful, but kept
her composure. She returned to the terminal and spoke to an assistant at the
inquiry desk. Within an hour she was sitting on a coach to Philadelphia International Airport , clutching a folder containing a ticket for a flight
to Las Vegas McCarren.
Chapter 2
She relished the warmth of
the Nevada sun as she walked out of the arrivals hall at
McCarren Field. She'd missed it during her year in college. She hired a car,
but did not drive home. It was important that her father did not find out that
she was here. She considered asking her mother and brother to keep it a secret,
but she didn't like the idea of family secrets. When she was a young girl her
mother had asked her to keep a terrible secret from her father and she had been
unable to. So she booked herself into a motel and then E-grammed Walter
Cronkite from a public Mesh cafe.
She had dinner with the famous reporter and
his wife at the Flamingo Hotel down on the Strip. It was a strange feeling to
be sitting at a table in the top class restaurant opposite one of the most
famous faces in America . For a budding journalist it was a bit like being a
school choir member sharing a meal with Elvis Presley. At the same time it felt
very ordinary. She did not equate the affable and unassuming gentleman she was
talking to with the household name every American TV viewer knew like their own
family. His wife Mary was similar in nature. It was quite a funny when other
people in the dining room stopped and stared as they walked past their table,
first at Cronkite and then at Siobhan, wondering who she was and how she had
become best buddies with such a star. Three times somebody approached the table
and asked: "Excuse me, are you Walter Cronkite?... It's an honour to meet
you, sir!" Cronkite was always very patient and polite with these people,
even putting down his cutlery to sign an autograph. "Quilley...
Quilley?" he said to Siobhan. "You know I didn't associate your name
with the man. I hope you don't think I invited you to assist me just because of
your father. I had no idea at the time."
"I'm glad, Mr Cronkite. I want to be
more than just my father's daughter."
"And I'm sure you are." He smiled
affectionately. "In fact you remind a bit of myself at your age."
"He doesn't know I'm coming; my dad.
He doesn't want me to be involved."
"Is he afraid for you?" asked
Siobhan nodded.
"I know how he feels." She looked
at her husband with a grin. He returned it knowingly, as if this were a
conversation they had had many times. "I watched Wally go off to war and
wondered if I'd ever see him again. When Mars Day went down and everybody was
fleeing, first thing he did was jump in his car and drive straight to New York . I'd have stopped him if I could have... if it had
been right to have."
"Are you saying I shouldn't be too
hard on my dad?" Siobhan asked.
Mary nodded. "When you love somebody,
it's easier to be in danger yourself because your heart and soul is being
carried around in somebody else's body."
The journalist explained why Siobhan had
been blocked from driving on the DC Beltway by a wall. "The entire Capitol
zone has been fortified for about two months. Since Saucer Day things have been
so unstable that the president decided to ensure continuity of government by
physically shutting the federal authorities off from the rest of the
Luckily Cronkite managed to pay for the
meal for all three out of them out of his expenses budget otherwise she'd never
have been able to afford it. Siobhan returned to her motel to get a good
night's sleep before it all began the next day.
She set her alarm for seven AM ; jumped out of bed like a jack-in-the-box and ran to
the shower. Within twenty minutes she was on the Interstate north out of Las Vegas in her unfamiliar hire car. The highway ran straight
as a dart out of the city; its snow-white chalky pavements and its irrigated
copses and gardens giving way to a tabletop of sand and brown balls of scrub.
In the distance were tall lilac mountains. The early morning sun shone like a
furnace out of a sky that was the deepest blue and she had to put on a pair of
sunglasses to see where she was going. She left the I-Fifteen and joined Route
Ninety-Three that led uphill into rockier country. There were a few oases by
the side of the road, either natural or artificially irrigated. At the town of Crystal Spring there was a crossroads and the route Siobhan
took was Highway Three-Seven-Five. An oblong green roadside signboard announced
that she was on the right road. After a few more twists and turns the road
became ruler straight and the landscape totally flat, allowing her to see the
road ahead until it vanished over the horizon. There was nothing out here, just
the dry land and the mountains framing the heavens in all directions, and the
enormous pure blue sky. She went for half an hour without seeing another
vehicle or building. The road was so monotonously, unswervingly straight that
she joked to herself that if she wanted to she could lock the steering column and
go to sleep for a bit. Yet she knew that just beyond the mountain range to her
left was another world, the destination of her quest. Occasionally there were
junctions with the roads leading off the Three-Seven-Five, unpaved dusty tracks
as straight as the highway. At one of these intersections she saw the only
landmark on the route; a black mailbox, just standing all by itself beside the
road, as if the house it had once belonged to had been magically
dematerialized. After another half an hour she saw some activity ahead;
although because of the landscape she noticed it long before she was close
enough to identify it.
She passed a sign announcing she was
entering the town of Rachel , "population- 54" it declared with some
irony in that it called itself a "town". Yet the buildings of the
settlement were invisible because of the temporary population that probably
exceeded the natives a dozen fold. The area had been converted into a military
camp. Tents and temporary buildings lined the roadsides, together with laagers
of tanks, jeeps and trucks. Men in uniform strutted around everywhere. A
communications antenna towered into the air and a helicopter lifted off the
ground with a roar and blast of wind. There was a lot for civilian vehicles and
she managed to find a space for her hire car. Then she got out and went looking
for familiar a face. She found him in a small bar and grill called Pat & Joes that appeared to be the
village's communal hub. As she entered the premises she found it packed with
military clientele, most of them standing because there weren't enough chairs.
The staff looked stressed and overworked as a result of the unusual abundance
of customers in what must normally be a quiet and slow-moving hostelry.
He was sitting at the bar sideways,
addressing a small but rough-looking man with many rank insignia on his
utilities. Clane Quilley was a medium-sized man with a small hunch in his back.
His skin was still tanned from his trip to Abyssinia . His hair was still bright ginger, even though it had thinned a bit at
the crown over the years and had a few grey streaks. The war had aged him a
lot, as well as her mother's betrayal which Siobhan still wondered deep down if
she would ever truly forgive. One of her earliest memories had been running her
hands through his ruddy locks as he held her in his arms when she must have
been about two years old. All her family laughed and smiled as she explored his
scalp, fascinated by the scarlet jungle on top of his head. He had protected
them both on Saucer Day, hiding them away in a cabin in the woods to keep them
safe from the short but destructive war that had ended what the media had
dubbed the "ET truth embargo". She and her family had had no idea
what was going on. Clane had demanded that they all remain incommunicado from
the outside world, removing the batteries from their roams and telling them to
keep away from any human contact; therefore they didn't realize that it had
even happened until afterwards. It was a few days after Saucer Day that they had
been enjoying a picnic by a mountain stream when her father had burst out of
the forest yelling at the top of his voice and waving a gun around. When he saw
them he wept with relief and told them everything that had been happening. She
hadn't believed him until they'd got home and he'd shown them on television.
Even in the bedlam of the twelve months since then, as the world reeled around
like a drug addict in shock withdrawal, people still remembered him. Now as
Siobhan stood in the small diner in a remote Nevada hamlet staring at the side of his head, she felt
trepidation. She walked up to the bar. "Hello, dad."
He did a double-take and gawped. "What
the feck are you doing here!?"
A plume of inward amusement broke through
her nervousness. He always sounded more Irish when he was angry. "I'm part
of the embedded media corps."
"No you're not! I told you! You are not
coming on this mission!"
"Yes I am, dad. And I don't need your
permission to do so." She took her press card out of her pocket and showed
it to him.
"CBS!? Where the hell did you get
"Penn State arranged it."
"But you're only a student!"
"It was a personal request by Walter
"What!?... Don't you dare fool with
me, Siobhan!"
"I'm not, dad. Look." She handed
him the printout of the most recent E-gram from Cronkite.
Clane read it; then he read it again. A
mixture of disbelief and acceptance passed over his face. "Right!" He
screwed up the sheet of paper and threw it onto the floor with frustration.
"You will stay in the observer pool at all times in the rear echelon. You
will obey all instructions from the taskforce press officer. If you deviate
from these rules once... just once!...
I'll have your ass busted back to Tonopah and your materials impounded before
your feet touch the ground! Is that understood?"
"Sure, dad; no problem." she
replied with a half smile.
Clane calmed down and gestured to the
military officer sitting beside him who had been watching the exchange with
detached humour. "This is General McCracken of the US Army. He's in
command of this operation."
At ten AM the forces were called to action. Orders were shouted
in hoarse voices and heavy boots pounded on the dry soil. The entire taskforce
assembled and stood to attention; and General Bradley K McCracken stepped up
onto the back of a jeep so he could survey them. Despite his small stature he
radiated confidence and authority, even when standing on the ground, let alone
up there. He smoothed his beret down against his short grey hair and delivered
a five minute speech about the mission ahead. "...Nobody knows what
challenges we might face, what enemy we might have to engage. Expect the
unexpected, men! But there is no challenge too great for the US Army! No enemy
we cannot defeat! The unexpected is just another expected victory!... Keep your
kit in order and remember your training!..."
Just after the troops had been dismissed a
bus arrived carrying a group of about twenty men dressed in identical white
tailed shirts and trousers. They wore sandals and sported long beards. Some had
small round hats. They carried with them rolled up rugs about four feet by
three and they laid them in rows on the ground. Then they faced the eastern
mountains, knelt down on the rugs and began praying in Arabic, bending over and
straightening up in unison. A few people came over to watch, including Siobhan
and her father. The ritual lasted about fifteen minutes. Afterwards one of the
men explained. "I am Abdul Mohammed Badran of the World Muslim Council and
we have come here to pray to Allah,
the most beneficent, the most merciful, to aid and protect you all on your
endeavour. You are in grave danger because you are about to enter the realm of
the 'gin'."
"Gin?" said Clane nonplussed.
"There's nothing dangerous about gin, so long as you drink it in
"No, no, no!" Badran shook his
head vigourously making his beard waggle. "D-J-I-N-N... The Djinn were created from smokeless fire
when God created the earth and man;
unlike man and other living things which God made from clay. They have free
will like man and God breathed life into them as he did all living things on
earth. The Djinn are invisible most
of the time, but sometimes they can make themselves seen. The MFO's are none
other than the invasion of the earth by the Djinn.
Be careful, all of you. May the hand of Allah
guide and protect you."
"Thank you." mumbled Clane,
looking worried.
At eleven AM the taskforce left Rachel and headed south in single file. Gen.
McCracken insisted on riding in the leading tank. He sat on the top of the
turret with his brow furrowed; a cigar clenched between his gritted teeth.
Behind the tank column came jeeps and lorries. At the very back was the coach
containing the press; all of them civilians apart from the driver, crowded
together in the hot interior. Siobhan sat beside Walter Cronkite. He had given
her a camera and matchbook computer to use in her job of assisting him. They
drove south at a steady slow speed, retracing the route Siobhan had driven that
morning. They passed the black mailbox at noon ,
over a hundred vehicles packed in tight formation. Eventually they came to one
of the junctions with the unpaved roads and turned sharply right. Because the
press bus was at the rear Siobhan saw the convoy moving down the new road from
a side angle a mile or so before they reached it themselves. There was a big
red "STOP" sign facing south. Eventually they turned the corner and
could see ahead. This road ran as straight as an arrow towards the range of
peaks to the west. The wheels and caterpillar tracks of the convoy churned up a
cloud of dust that spread away northwards on the light breeze. From the end of
the road it looked like smoke, as if the track was a line of smouldering fire.
The taskforce became more active. Armoured personnel carriers peeled off the
carriageway and scurried like beetles over the landscape. Occasionally they
stopped and disgorged infantry; men just visible running two and fro.
Helicopters flew back and forth overhead; and, higher up, could be heard the
roar of an air force jet. This intimidating motorcade crossed the flat
landscape. Creosote bushes and Joshua trees lined the road and stretched away
into the distance. Siobhan tried to take in as much as she could of the
scenery, but most of the time she was focusing on her work. She had the
matchbook computer open on her lap and she typed on the keyboard as Cronkite
spoke, copying his dictation. "...I asked the lawyer." he said.
"'Are you surprised that there are aliens in Area 51?' He replied with
only half a raised eyebrow: 'You know I'm not one bit. You must understand that
Area 51 is a place where there is no congressional oversight, no executive
oversight. Hell, the President of the United States himself would have to ask permission to enter it, if
he even knew it exits. It is quite literally a legal black hole. In fact one
has to argue if it should even be considered a part of the United States at all, or whether it is instead an enclave of some
kind of super-government.'..." Siobhan took photographs with the camera
every so often. She then uploaded the text and the images to the social media
feed on Cronkite's meshboard. He had somehow managed to allocate a link to one
of the few working satellites in orbit; he held the dish antenna in his hands
so that Siobhan had hers free. After about half an hour the road rose sharply
and became more twisted. Then suddenly the bus jerked to a halt. "What's
wrong?" asked one of the reporters.
"Look!" the driver pointed. At
both verges of the road stood a pair or signboards saying: WARNING- RESTRICTED AREA. NO TRESPASSING BEYOND THIS POINT. USE OF
"Well it hardly matters now, does
it?" said the reporter. "Keep driving!"
"I think we should ask the press
officer first..." There followed an argument between the driver and some
of the journalists. While this was going on Cronkite and Siobhan stepped
outside to take photographs. The signboards were innocuous and unobtrusive.
There was no fence or trench physically to prevent people passing through. A
hundred yards to their left on the hillside stood a metallic aerial with what
looked like a camera on it. A white pickup truck was standing a hundred yards
further down the road. Nobody was sitting in it and, even from that distance,
they could see that it was sprinkled with desert grit, as if it had been left
there long ago. By the oblique angle that it had been parked they could tell that
it had been abandoned in haste. "Florenti." said Cronkite. "The
contractor that organized security here. The people your dad worked for. That's
how they watched for visitors."
"I wonder if anybody still does."
added Siobhan.
Eventually the disagreement on the bus was
resolved and the passengers reboarded. The bus drove over the invisible cliff
between the known and unknown worlds, and accelerated to catch up with the rest
of the convoy. The road bent round to the left and climbed a hill; then it came
to a small building with more of the pickup trucks parked outside. The bus
stopped briefly, allowing the reporters to examine the building. The doors were
locked and the windows caked with dust. Siobhan took some photographs.
"This is the eastern guard shack." recited Cronkite when they were on
the move again. "The Florenti security personnel were based here and
carried out patrols in their vehicles along the boundary of Area 51."
Siobhan dutifully copied his words on the matchbook. "If we had made this
journey thirteen months ago we'd never have gotten this far. The guards would
have arrested us within a minute of us crossing the border. They'd probably
have just handed us over to the Lincoln County sheriff and we'd have been fined a few hundred bucks,
but legally they could shoot you the moment you're inside the compound."
Then Siobhan noticed something.
"What's that?" Cronkite followed her gaze. A few hundred yards away
was a squat mushroom-shaped structure standing in the middle of the desert on
its own like an isolated tree. It was clearly artificial and metallic. It was
yellowy grey in colour which helped it to blend in with the background shades.
She couldn't be sure at their distance, but she estimated it to be about ten
feet high and eight across. The air surrounding it was wrinkled by heat haze.
"There's something hot inside it." said Siobhan as she observed this.
"Or under it." added Cronkite.
"It looks to me like an air vent or heat extraction duct. This means the
underground base is up and running still."
The road ahead was of far better quality;
it was paved with new black asphalt. It ran along a ridge for a few miles and
then between two bluffs. Then it descended towards a vast flat basin. At the
centre was a light-coloured circle of land where a lake had once been many
centuries ago when the local climate was wetter and was now an arid salt flat.
Beyond it was Area 51.
The press and logistics vehicles were
ordered to stop and wait at the edge of the flat land around the lake bed while
the vanguard force moved in and secured the closest part of the secret base.
The driver spoke on the radio a few times; then, after about an hour, they
started moving again. They trundled over the flat valley floor towards the base
and the buildings slowly came into clearer view. The first structures visible
were large dish antennas and a red and black checked water tower. To their left
was a long smooth expanse of square grey ground standing out from the lake bed.
"There's the runway." said Cronkite, pointing. "Six miles of
it! The longest in the world." As
the convoy got closer Siobhan could see that there were aircraft lined up
beside rows of large oblong buildings. She took some photos and typed as
Cronkite spoke. "I see some fighters, some F2's I think. Next to them are
helicopters, perhaps there to assist security." They drove past these and
headed south, further into the facility. There were rows of what looked like
offices; then they came to far larger buildings. Corrugated steel hangars that
towered over a hundred feet high and hundreds of feet long, like airship barns;
and blocks with windows in four to five storeys high. Most of the taskforce had
established positions here, although smaller hosts were dealing with the other
areas of the site. An entire regiment kept moving down the long road to S4,
another site about ten miles south; the place where the Saucer Day revelations
began. However this time Clane Quilley and his team would be dealing with the
main base. The bus stopped and Siobhan stepped out with the rest of the
journalists. They were subdued as they stared at these dark silent
constructions. They still looked new and undamaged. Thin cloud had covered the
sun and a wind was blowing, causing a mild chill in the air. "Do you think
there's anybody still here?" Siobhan asked.
Cronkite shook his head weakly after a
hesitation. "No... Or at least if they're here they're not a threat, or
else the Army boys wouldn't have allowed us to come closer." The soldiers
assembled by the nearest large hangar were calling and gesturing for the
reporters to come their way. Clane was with them; he had ridden in the forward
column, seeing as he was the world's leading authority of MFO's. "Get a
load of this, Siobhan!" he yelled and pointed to the hangar doors.
The gaggle of reporters crossed a concrete
taxiway towards the open maw of one of the aircraft barns. The interior was
filled by a huge black wedge-shaped object propped up by a set of standard
aviation wheels. They spread out around it, staring up at it and touching it.
It was about the size of a small airliner. "Is this a Martian reproduction
vehicle?" asked Siobhan.
"No." answered her father.
"It's a jet airplane of some kind. See the intakes at the sides; the
tailpipes at the back? Also there are tailfins and a rudder."
"No wings though." said Cronkite.
"I think the whole fuselage is a
"Strange surface." said another
newsman running his hands over the aircraft's skin. "It reminds me of a
story I once did on a defence project to develop material that wouldn't reflect
radio waves. They didn't say what it was for."
"Maybe this was it." said
Cronkite. "That could account for its unusual shape. Could it be made to
be invisible to radar? An aircraft designed primarily for stealth?"
Another reporter whistled and shook his
head grimly. "A warplane you can't detect with radar? Now that would be a
formidable weapon indeed."
There was a stepladder at the side of the
nose. Siobhan climbed up it. It was about fifteen feet high and she felt
slightly vertiginous, but the ladder was stable. At the top was a cockpit very
like that of a jet fighter; the pilot entered from above and it was covered by
a canopy. It had a yoke, a throttle and what looked like an ejector seat. Its
instrument panel was a black screen. She had visited the Martian reproduction
vehicle in Washington that her father had flown all the way from Area 51 on
Saucer Day. It had been placed in the Smithsonian as a special exhibition. She
remembered the sophisticated electronic display it had, that it looked like a
sheet of black glass until it was switched on; and this reminded her of that.
The voice of one of another reporter registered as she overheard it: "...I
was in the Army Air Force for twelve years and I never saw anything close to
this. It has limited weaponry that looks purely defensive. I'd say this is
built primarily for reconnaissance not combat."
"A spy-plane?" asked somebody
else. "How fast is it? How high can it fly?"
"We don't know anything about its
performance." said Clane. "We just found it like this."
At the rear of the hangar were some doors
that led down corridors. The electricity was off, but the troops had set up
portable lanterns inside the building, connected by lines of wire. The
passageway led to several nondescript offices and workshops; and it ended in a
flight of stairs leading down to a large hall in the upper basement level. It
was closed off at one end by a set of giant double doors similar to those
Siobhan had once seen in a documentary film about a nuclear bunker. These doors
seemed to be the focus of attention for the taskforce's engineers. A group of
them were clustered in front of the wall of steel conferring with each other.
"What's behind these doors?" Siobhan asked her father after she had
pulled him to one side.
"That's a damn good question, Siobhan;
and it's what we're trying to find out." he answered. "They must have
shut them when we invaded the place last year. When I worked here I was never
shown this part of the base so I have no idea what's in there."
"Can we open them?"
Clane shrugged. "The guys from the
Corps of Engineers are working on it, but the question is... do we want
"What do you mean, dad?"
"We don't know what's behind them. It
could be something dangerous?"
"Like what?"
He shrugged evasively and went back to the
The press corps were given a
meal in a large tent that had been pitched just outside the spy-plane hangar.
They sat at tables along with the soldiers, eating ready-to-eat meals in oblong
cans, heated over a gas stove. The food was clearly intended for energy and
nutrition rather than flavour. It consisted of mincemeat mixed with chopped
potatoes and vegetables, washed down with sweet soda and warm water. A row of
upright chemical toilet cubicles was set up as well as a washing facility. The
sun was setting over the western mountains, as if taking the outside world down
with it and leaving them alone at night in universe consisting only of Area 51.
They all slept on collapsible cots in other tents. As one of the few women in
the taskforce, Siobhan had her own small tent and a separate ablutions hut in
the officers' area. This was close to the open hangar doors. After she went to
bed she had trouble sleeping because of the noise. The engineers worked through
the night and the sound of hammering, drilling and the rumbling of machinery
drifted out as if the armoured doors were a coalface. When she woke up the
noise had stopped. After washing and eating breakfast in the mess tent she
joined the other journalists and they headed back inside the hangar. The
interior of the base had been transformed during the night. The corridor
leading to the armoured doors was filled from floor to ceiling with a white
fabric lining with a sheet across it. There was a flap open and inside were the
taskforce crew. Some were dressed in strange suits made of yellow plastic.
These had a large visor and a backpack with an air tank like a deep sea
diver's. Clane was rushing around looking busy, barking orders at the men as if
he were one of their officers. He saw the reporters approaching and came over.
"OK." he said. "We've found a way to open the doors. In a couple
of hours we're going to send in a group of scouts and unfortunately there'll
only be room for five of you on the mission, so I'm going to throw it open to
A dozen of the twenty or so journalists
raised their hands. Siobhan's hand rocketed up towards the ceiling.
"I think you should be one of them, Mr
"Dad!" hissed Siobhan.
Clane turned his back and pretended not to
see his daughter. "Mr Greencombe... Mrs Spicer... Mr Smith... and you,
sorry I've forgotten your name. Something Polish if I recall... OK, you'll need
to put on NBC suits so go and see Sergeant McCrae for orientation in thirty
minutes sharp."
"But, dad..."
Her father swung round. "No, Siobhan!
And this time no means no!"
"I am an accredited member of the
press and a personal assistant to Walter Cronkite!" she protested.
"I don't care if you're HL Mencken! We
have no idea what lies behind those doors. There could be radiation; there
could be diseases the world has never seen. I will not subject my own daughter
to hazards like that. Now go back to the camp and stay there!" He walked
off before she had the chance to respond.
She ground her teeth and growled with
frustration. Then she noticed that the visors on the protective suits were
slightly tinted, and an idea came to her.
Siobhan returned glumly to the mess tent
where the press corps were drinking coffee. She poured herself a cup and took a
seat next to Annie Spicer, one of the five chosen for the adventure. During the
previous evening Siobhan had become especially close to the Chicago Sun-Times columnist because
their tents were pitched next to each other in the women's area. "Hey,
"Hi, Siobhan."
"You look cheerful." said Siobhan
in a tone that meant her new friend looked the exact opposite.
Annie shrugged. "I'm fine; feeling OK,
"I'm just a little nervous about what
we're going to face when we go into that underground bit. All part of the
excitement I guess. I felt the same way in Korea ."
Siobhan nodded. "Yeah, guess so. Mind
you, in Korea it was different. You knew more or less what would
happen, even if it was the worst thing of all. It was just a war. The troops
could protect you because the dangers were all understood. Here it's totally
different. It's the complete unknown you're facing. You could meet anything
down there! Anything! And there will only be a small team watching your back.
It's hit or miss whether you guys will ever come out alive... God, you're so
brave, Annie!"
Annie's face blanched and her hand visibly
trembled as she held her cup.
"Are you alright, Annie?" asked
Siobhan in a concerned tone, encouraged that she had pressed the right buttons.
Annie nodded vigorously. "Yes... Yes.
I'm fine. It's just... maybe I shouldn't have volunteered."
She hesitated. "It's just... I've got
kids, Siobhan. Two boys. They need me. I hate the thought that their mom
wouldn't always be with them."
"I've got no children so I don't know
how that feels."
She laughed. "Well you're still young;
just wait... At the same time, I don't want anybody thinking I'm a
"You're not a coward, Annie." she
soothed putting a hand on Annie's shoulder. "You faced communist guns and
bombs in Korea ."
"And there are still seldom few women
in this business, Siobhan; especially when it comes to perilous assignments.
Some of the men think we're just not up to the challenge. That's why I put my
hand up."
"An ideal situation would be if there
was another woman in that scout party. Then we could prove the point that women
can be great reporters too, without you taking the risk personally."
"I'm not afraid of risk,
Siobhan." Annie retorted resolutely.
"Of course, Annie. I know that. It's
just like you said though, you're a loving mother. You have two growing sons
who need their mom and would hate to lose her. What you're feeling is not fear;
it's just your maternal sense of responsibility."
There was a long pause. "You know,
Siobhan... I shouldn't have stuck my hand up. It was instinctive; impulsive. I
should not have volunteered... But I can't back out now. It would be
undignified; it would be a professional failure."
"Not necessarily, Annie. I've thought
of a plan..."
Siobhan lagged behind the
other four reporters as they approached the lined corridor again. Walter
Cronkite was the only one who had so far acknowledged her presence. He gave her
the briefest of sly grins, as if he knew what her plan was and supported her.
She lowered her head and turned her face away as they walked past the area
where Clane was working. She had changed her clothes as well to make herself
less conspicuous. He never even noticed the five journalists as they walked
into the dressing room. They were ordered to leave all their belongings in a
box. She did so with everything she had, but stopped when her fingers brushed
against her gun. The Smith and Wesson revolver was still at the bottom of her
handbag. She always kept it with her out of the habit that her father had
instilled in her before she went to Pennsylvania State University . She smiled with amusement as she slipped it into her
skirt pocket. She had disobeyed one of his orders today; why disobey another?
The five selected members of the press corps were then shown how to dress in
nuclear-biological-chemical protection suits. These were thick, stuffy
one-piece coveralls that stank like old raincoats. The headgear consisted of a
helmet with the darkened visor and a radio headset so she could talk to the
others through the sealed suit. Once inside she felt safer; her anonymity was
assured. When asked her name by the training sergeant she had answered
"Annie Spicer" and he ticked the name on a list without a flicker of
suspicion. Now nobody would recognize her face through the visor, so long as
they didn't get too close to her. Indeed her father walked in afterwards and
donned his own NBC suit and didn't give her a second look. She edged away from
him, but then realized if she made it too obvious she was avoiding him it might
make him wary. The suit was very hot and smothering, but then they attached
their backpacks and the trainer connected hoses from them to the suits. A pump
started humming and the suit filled with cool fresh air. She breathed deeply
and her sweat started to dry. They tested their radio headsets.
"Right." said Clane's tinny voice in her earpieces. "Follow
Siobhan found it difficult to walk in the
suit. The garment was slightly inflated, like a human-shaped balloon. This was
so that if there were any leaks they would be from the inside out, the trainer
explained. The internal atmosphere was scrubbed and filtered and dehydrated by
the system in the backpack and oxygen was added. Her skirt was rucked up around
her waist uncomfortably by the garment's trouser crotch. She had surreptitiously
moved her gun to an equipment pouch on the outside of the suit, realizing that
it would rub her skin painfully once she moved if left inside. Besides, it
might come in handy. She put her camera in the same pouch so she could keep
taking photographs for Cronkite's report.
"Right, we've got about six hours on
the batteries and O-two tanks." said Clane. "Are you all OK?"
The reporters responded affirmative.
"Yes." Siobhan replied into her microphone, trying to imitate Annie's
voice. She breathed a sigh of relief when her father didn't recognize it.
A second group of a dozen men wearing the
suits were assembled ahead; they were armed with assault rifles. There were
more introductions then they entered a heavy door attached to a jamb tucked into
the fabric liner. Once they were all inside it was ceremoniously shut.
"Both ends are hermetically sealed." explained Colonel Davenport, the
officer commanding the armed men. He was as anonymous as everybody else behind
his reflective visor. There was some discussion on the common radio band not
directed at any of the reporters and then a second door opposite opened. They
trooped out and Siobhan found herself in the hall they had visited yesterday.
This time a massive amount had changed. Some huge machines that resembled lift
motors had been installed and round gaping holes had been bored in the wall.
More people dressed in orange NBS suits clustered round their handiwork,
looking like ladybirds. "We've managed to bypass the servomotors that
operate the doors." somebody said on the band. "We cut through the
shafts and connected them to these external drives." One of the engineers
pointed at their machinery. "It was far more difficult to pull the bolts.
Not only did we have to drill laterally into the doors, but there's an
electronic lock that we couldn't decrypt. In the end we had to hollow them out,
cut them in two and withdraw them manually."
"Can you open the door now?"
asked Col. Davenport.
"Very well. Verify the seals on the
containment barrier and then do it."
The machinery started humming. There was a
pause. Siobhan instinctively took a step back and laid her hand against the
wall. The huge steel door jerked apart leaving black crack between them. There
was a penetrating high-pitched hissing roar and she felt her suit deflate
"The pressure's equalizing!"
somebody yelled. "Boost the extractor pumps!... Put the filters on a
hundred percent."
"Is there any seepage with the outside
environment?" another voice asked.
Other voices came through with expressions
of relief.
"It's alright, guys." said Clane,
turning to address the reporters. "The area inside those doors has a
higher air pressure than the outside so a lot of air has rushed out when we
broke the seal, like when you open a soda bottle. We've managed to keep the
extra air within the containment system we've set up here."
The noise from the crack faded to nothing.
Siobhan's suit blew up again and the motors started again. The crack widened slowly
into an oblong of blackness. The motors stopped with it about three feet apart.
The people watching became subdued. The unknown space beyond the door appeared
to suck at them, like a black hole. The soldiers strode confidently forward and
stepped through. "Right." said Clane. "Let's go." He
beckoned to the journalists; his voice was breathless and trembling slightly.
More people were coming through the airlock to follow them.
"You've been here before, Mr Quilley,
haven't you?" asked Cronkite. "I read the stories that came out last
"Not here, Mr Cronkite. I only ever
worked at S4, and only the top two levels."
Siobhan squeezed her pressure suit through
the gap. It was pitch dark beyond it, but the walls and floor were exactly the
same as the hall outside. The armed men were a dozen feet ahead; they switched
on torches. She then noticed a circular lever on the wall. She went over and
turned it. Her pressurized gloves were surprisingly dexterous and she managed
it easily. The passageway erupted into light.
Everybody jolted in shock and there were a
few expletives from the reporters. The soldiers remained silent; either that or
they were talking on a separate radio band. When they realized that what
Siobhan had pulled was just a light switch. They sighed with relief.
Clane turned on her. "What the hell do
you think you're doing!?"
"Sorry." she replied in her Annie
voice. She rotated her face away so her father couldn't see though her visor.
"Come on, man; she's just found the
light." said another reporter.
Clane softened. "Very well. OK, good
work, Mrs Spicer; but please be careful what you handle around here. OK?"
"Sure." she answered, pleased
that her act was holding up.
"Isn't this place supposed to be
abandoned?" asked another reporter. "Then why is the electricity
still on? It's not above ground."
"They may have forgotten to turn off
the generator when they left." answered Clane. "It's probably similar
to the saucers in that it never needs refuelling."
corridor was wide and lined with grey concrete. It was slightly dusty, perhaps
from its year of non-use. It sloped downwards with the same incline as it had
above the blast doors for about a hundred yards then it dog-legged to the left
before carrying on the same way. "This corner is twice the width of the
passage." said Clane. "It's so people outside can't see in. That door
marks the edge of a secure area."
"You think there'd be a guard
shack." said Col. Davenport.
"They don't need one." Clane
pointed to a black plastic hemisphere on the ceiling.
"What's that?"
"Are you sure. Never seen a security
camera like that before."
"I have. They used them at S4."
When they were all round the bend they
could see that the corridor opened out into a room across which was a set of
security turnstiles with multiple warning notices about how what lay beyond was
restricted access to authorized personnel only. These turnstiles were similar
to ones found on the New York Subway and other urban railway stations. The
engineers cut through them easily with power saws. On the other side of them
was a lift bay with a set of four very normal looking lift doors facing them.
One of the soldiers pressed a call button. The door made the sound of a bell
ringing and the doors slid apart. "Electricity must be on all over the
compound." he said and stepped into the lift car.
"No!" yelled Davenport ."
"Sir?" The man jumped back out.
"I think we should take the stairs...
Just in case."
There was a door next to the lift shafts
that opened onto an emergency stairwell of blank walls and conventional steel
steps. They were at the top and the only way was down. The soldiers led the way
again. It was a good twenty storeys before they came to another door. It would
be quite a climb going back and Siobhan hoped they'd be allowed to use the
lifts for the return. The bottom door was sealed by another encrypted digital
lock. One of the troopers was a sapper and carried a specialized-looking
matchbook. He attached an interface cable to the lock which was of a type she'd
never seen before. He crouched down and tapped away on the keyboard.
"Security is very tight down here." said Cronkite cheerily. A few
people turned and looked at him, but nobody responded to his understatement.
Siobhan went over and ran her hand along the door's surface. It was solid steel
and windowless; not as heavy as the blast doors at the surface, but still very
thick, perhaps on the scale of a bank vault.
"OK, I'm almost there." said the
sapper. "This lock is part of a network. I've now just accessed the
central control station. After this I'll be able to open any door on that
The door's bolts clacked and it slid to one
side with an electric hum. Three soldiers ran forward. "Steady!"
barked Davenport . "Let's do this one step at a time. Kovalik,
Bergson and Florence ! Take point." He turned to the sapper.
"Jenkins, you stay here in case we need more hacking done."
"Yes, sir."
The soldiers stepped through the door in
single file. The reporters were ordered to stay a safe distance so Siobhan lost
sight of them. However she could hear their voices in her earphones. Suddenly
there was a roar loud enough to be deafening from inside her suit. The voices
of the men yelled and shouted with alarm. A cloud of white smoke or vapour blew
out of the door just before it slid shut. Davenport hammered on the door with his fist and yelled at the
sapper: "Open it!... Open it!"
"Sir!" Jenkins' fingers danced
feverishly on the matchbook.
"Back!" yelled Clane at his
charges. "Back, all of you!" The reporters clustered against the far
wall in a frightened line. The door slid open. "Medic!" a voice
bellowed hoarsely. More people rushed forward and entered the corridor and
there was a confused minute of action Siobhan couldn't follow. Then some of the
men emerged carrying two of their comrades in their arms. They were placed onto
stretchers by the medics and carried up their stairs. As they charged past
Siobhan could see that the prone men had had their suits deflated and blood was
leaking from holes in the fabric.
The corridor beyond the door
had been fitted with a booby trap to fend off interlopers. It released a cloud
of opaque gas as a smokescreen and then detonated explosive charges that hurled
copper darts at anybody not cleared by the security system. The two soldiers
affected had survived, but needed emergency field surgery to remove the darts.
Their medical care was hampered by the obstacle that they could not be moved
out of the airlock without a full biological screening. Davenport and Clane called a pause to the operation and there
was a long discussion about what had just happened. Jenkins and some newly
arrived engineers examined the corridor and managed to isolate all the power
leading to the anti-intruder devices. This made it safe to proceed, at least
for a short distance. There was a short corridor beyond the door which ended in
a second door through which the engineers cut using a thermite charge. After
the soldiers had declared that the area beyond was safe, the reporters were
allowed through. Siobhan followed Walter Cronkite along the link corridor.
There were some holes on the wall surrounded by black soot, where the
projectiles had been fired. Then she stepped through the rough four-foot hole
melted through the far door. She could see that it was about an inch and a half
thick. The piece cut out lay on the floor on the far side. The corridor carried
on beyond the door, but it was surprisingly normal in nature. It had gypsum
wallboard panels and linoleum flooring. Notice boards were nailed to the walls
and there was a water cooler in a corner. It looked like a passageway from any
office building. Indeed there were doors leading off it that opened into fairly
ordinary-looking offices, although their desktop computers looked exceptionally
modern. The monitors were flat sheets of black glass propped up on plastic
stands. A coffee mug stood next to one; its contents had condensed to dry,
cracked powder over time. "They must have left in a hurry." said one
of the journalists. "Nobody had time to wash up."
Beyond the office block was another
security door. Jenkins managed to pick its digital lock within ten minutes and
they were all relieved to see that there were no additional automatic defensive
measures on the far side. They then came across some rooms that were obviously
laboratories. They contained workbenches and stools, cabinets containing
bottles of chemicals and industrial refrigerators. There were other devices
that Siobhan didn't recognize. There were triangular yellow stickers on many of
the items with warning symbols for biohazard, chemical and other less common
risks. Each bench had a plastic red box placed on it for storing used
disposable sharp tools. She had seen something similar in a hospital. There
were clothes pegs in the corridor outside from which hung white laboratory
smocks and Wellington boots. At every door were washbasins for
decontaminating hands and boxes of rubber gloves. They passed through another
security door into a second laboratory that was built for far higher
containment capabilities. Each room had a double set of electric doors and a
pool on the floor for washing feet. Instead of benches the staff worked behind
sealed cabinets with large windows. There were holes in the screens connected
to gloves that allowed them to manipulate items inside the cabinet. The
furniture in these laboratories had no sharp edges to avoid accidental injury
that might lead to infection. The laboratory block was huge. Siobhan and her
group walked for over a mile before they came to another lift bay and stairwell
leading down. This time Jenkins found it easier to decrypt the lock on the
lower security door and neutralize the automatic defence system. There were
more laboratories on this level, but they were far better contained. They were
sealed chambers behind airtight doors. Access was only via an airlock and rows
of hazardous materials suits were hung up ready for use by the staff inside,
very similar to the suit Siobhan was wearing. The laboratories themselves were
full of locked vacuum cabinets, all plastered with biohazard warning labels.
"What do you think they keep in there?" asked Cronkite.
"Don't know, but it's something
they're very keen shouldn't get out." replied Clane. "I wouldn't like
to catch it, whatever it is."
The underground facility below Area 51
carried on down further. Siobhan estimated that they had to be four to five
hundred feet beneath the surface by now. The size of the place took her breath
away. The very thought of the amount of rock above her head was smothering. On
the floor below the laboratories they found a menagerie of small animals in
cages; mostly rodents like rats, rabbits, guinea pigs and mice. The hutches had
metal bars and were arranged on shelves like hen batteries. The animals were
mostly white and scurried around excitedly as the humans entered their domain.
"They must be used in the laboratories
upstairs." said Davenport .
"Strange." said a reporter.
"They're all still alive."
"What do you mean?" asked Clane.
"They're alive and well after a whole
year since Saucer Day. Their hutches are clean with bowls of food and bottles
of water. That means somebody has been looking after them."
Clane stopped and started at him. "You
"Yes. We're not alone down here."
The soldiers instinctively raised their
heads and shouldered their rifles. Everybody turned and looked around
themselves. Nobody was there.
The section beyond the menagerie looked
very much like a stable. On both sides of the corridor were heavy mental doors
with barred windows at eye level with slots below where food could be passed
through to the horses inside. Siobhan peeked through the bars. It was dark
within, but she could just see a horse moving around from the corridor lights,
just a blank shadow. The horse stopped moving and turned its head to look at
her; then it lunged at her, crashing its huge body against the door. It roared
with a deafening and very un-equine growl; even inside her suit it made her
ears ring. She screamed from shock before she could stop herself. Everybody ran
towards the door. "Are you alright, Mrs Spicer?" asked her father.
"Yes." she replied, panting hard.
She remembered to impersonate Annie's voice just in time.
The reporters clustered around the bars.
"That's not a horse!" one of them yelled.
Siobhan's curiosity overcame her fear. She
joined the other reporters at the door. The creature within the supposed stable
paced up and down growling. Its brown eyes and huge teeth glinted in the
corridor lights; its fur was coarse and matted, almost like a porcupine's
needles. "It looks more like some kind of dog." said Cronkite,
echoing Siobhan's thoughts.
"I think it is." said another.
"What breed?"
"What do you mean 'what breed'? It's
as big as a horse!"
"It looks like a fighting dog, a Pit
Bull or a Staffordshire."
"But look at the size! It's ten times
as big as any dog I've ever seen."
Clane joined them at the window and looked
in. "Maybe it's a product from those laboratories upstairs."
"You mean they've bred it here?"
Clane shrugged, a gesture just visible
inside his suit. "Who knows? Maybe as a weapon of war."
Cronkite puffed. "I've been on a few
battlefields in my time. I've been shot at and stood firm. I've recorded a
radio interview from the middle of a minefield. I tell you though; I'd be more
scared than I could cope with if I ran into one of those mutts."
There were other oversized canine monsters
in the other chambers. They all reacted aggressively to the presence of the
humans and the soldiers and journalists moved through the area with caution.
They found the last thing they expected on
the floor beneath the giant dog kennels. The corridor opened out onto what
looked like a nursery school. The reporters walked around in confusion. The
room's floor was covered by a thick carpet. It had shelves of children's books,
cuddly toys, shape-sorters and other pre-school games; and brightly-coloured
cartoon pictures of people and animals on the wall. "I don't believe
it!" exclaimed Cronkite. "We're deep underground in the heart of a
secret military base and we come across a goddamn kindergarten? What the hell
is going on down here?"
"Where are the children?" asked
Siobhan. It was the first time she'd spoken apart from brief acknowledgements
and she used her normal voice. She cursed herself for her blunder and looked at
her father in alarm, but fortunately he appeared not to notice.
"Why would there be children in this
place at all?" asked another reporter.
The incongruous children's playroom ended
with another armoured security door of which Jenkins' matchbook made short
work. On the other side was what appeared to be a fairly normal hospital ward.
Rows of beds lined up along each wall and there was a nurses' station, a
storeroom of standard clinical drugs and a treatment room. However, like the
rest of the underground facility, it was empty, abandoned; the beds were all
neatly made with fresh sheets, as if awaiting admissions from the emergency
department at any moment, but there were no existing patients and no staff to
look after them. The wards went on for many hundreds of yards. In the surface
world this would clearly be the equivalent of a very large and busy hospital.
There was a suite of fully-equipped operating theatres as well, all more modern
and technologically advanced than anything they'd seen before.
Siobhan entered the stairwell at the far
end of the hospital. She followed the soldiers down another flight of steps to
another security door. She wondered again how much deeper this subterranean
establishment went. Their pumps and oxygen tanks would only last another two
hours and then they would have to return. Jenkins set up his matchbook, plugged
it into the lock and worked at undoing the seal on the door and the defensive
systems beyond. When they reached the laboratory at the other end of the passageway
they all stopped dead in their tracks. A few people yelled in shock and
revulsion; not just the reporters, but some of the soldiers too. One or two
collapsed and had to be carried away by the medics. Walter Cronkite put a hand
on Siobhan's shoulder. He didn't say a word, knowing that their voices would be
heard on the common band, but he gazed into her visor and their eyes met. His
look said that he knew who she was and would not divulge her presence. Siobhan
nodded at him in thanks. She was also grateful for his stabilizing influence
because of the need to quench her own rising panic and disgust at the
extraordinary and obscene spectacle that lay in front of them.
This section of the underground base at
Area 51 was a laboratory and storage area of vats containing biological
specimens. Some of them were in refrigerated containers, like the ones
containing the S4 aliens that Siobhan's father had become famous for talking
about in the media. Others were in tanks of preserving liquid. They were of
very different species to those even seen in the aftermath of Saucer Day. Most
were unrecognisable, just misshapen globs of flesh. Some were clearly animals
of some kind; with a vertebra, four limbs and a head, but like nothing ever
imagined by the most fevered imagination. Even the giant dogs on the floors
above now seemed commonplace in comparison. Some of the embalmed creatures
looked vaguely human. She wondered if they might be human hybrids. She had
learned from a biology tutor at college that humans could theoretically have
offspring with other apes. Were these the offspring? Or had the laboratories at
Area 51 found a way to cross Homo sapiens
with less related clades and phyla? She averted her eyes and her thoughts as
much as she could from the aberrations inside the vats. She got the impression
that this wasn't just a storage vault. The way the deviant specimens had been
arranged, in glass containers with a lot of space in between, made her think
this was designed for show. It was some kind of sordid museum; but intended for
viewings by whom? The section beyond contained different exhibits. These were
obviously natural humans; hundreds of them. There were men, women, boys and
girls of all races; black, white, brown and oriental. Their eyes were closed
and their hands clenched in death. Some were newborn infants. Others looked
like premature babies and aborted foetuses. The reporters who had not already
been evacuated from shock exclaimed in outrage. "Holy shit!" yelled
Clane. "What's going on here? Who would do such a thing?... What kind of
bastards created this place?"
Immediately adjacent to this section was a
laboratory with tanks of liquid also containing what looked like foetuses of
various animals, except these were still alive. They had umbilical cords that
fed into machinery on the walls of the canisters and liquid was visibly flowing
along transparent pipes leading to and from these artificial placentas.
"Get evidence!" Clane's voice was hoarse and breathy. "Take
photographs!" he instructed the reporters.
"Jenkins." said Col. Davenport.
"Can you get the hard drives out of these computers?" He pointed at
the equipment on nearby lab benches.
"Not sure, sir." replied the
sapper. "They're not like any kind of computer I'm familiar with."
The neighbouring laboratory contained rows
of large rectangular tanks. They looked like aquariums for fish, except the
fish inside were extremely outlandish. They were bright pink, as if filleted,
except they were obviously alive. They swam around by rippling fins on their
flanks like flatfish. They were about the size of a salmon and also resembled
octopuses because they had short tentacles emerging from different parts of
their bodies. The opened and closed their mouths as they moved; their maw was circular
and lined by small white fangs. They breathed through gills but their eyes were
not like a fish's; they had eyelids. "Anybody know what these are?"
Clane asked in a rhetorical tone.
"Not a known species I'm
guessing." said Cronkite. "Some other mutant they've
"Probably like those giant dogs; bred
for war." said another reporter. "Look at the teeth on them! One of
those would certainly spell curtains for a navy diver. And maybe they could lay
mines. I heard the US Navy tried to train dolphins to do that during the war,
but the project was cancelled. Basically the crews didn't have the heart for
it. Well these critters are far less cute."
Clane was in a frenzy. He ran forward up
the aisle between the tanks. "Where are you!?" he bellowed at the
ceiling. "Come out and show yourselves!" Then he turned and addressed
the others. "When we finally catch these scumbags we should show them no
mercy!... Just shoot them here and now! It's the best way."
Siobhan noticed that one of the
"fish" in the tank closest to Clane had become very agitated, as if
it could understand what her father was saying. It paddled back and forth
whipping its tentacles around. Then it placed its snout against the glass wall
of its tank directly next to where Clane was standing and braced itself against
the far side with its rear tentacles. It trembled as it stiffened and pushed.
There was a snapping sound as the glass cracked. Clane's back was less than a
foot away from the aquarium. "Dad, watch out!" yelled Siobhan.
Everything happened very quickly. The glass
wall of the tank shattered spilling its contents onto Clane's back. When the
rush of water had dissipated, the fish-like fiend was clinging to Clane's back;
it tentacles grasped his oxygen tank and it was reaching for the seal of his
faceplate. It was obviously very strong, having just broken out of its own
aquarium, and it had taken a mouthful of suit material at Clane's nape and was
biting hard. He screamed in terror, whiting out Siobhan's earpieces. The others
stood completely still, mesmerized with horror. Even the soldiers didn't move;
their rifles slung across their chests as if on parade. Siobhan darted forward
before she knew what she was doing and reached into the equipment pouch for her
revolver. She flicked off the safety catch with her thumb and raised it towards
the dripping pink obscenity that was tightening its grip on her father's
shoulders. She paused for a second as Clane wheeled around in panic, continuing
to scream. "HELP ME!"
"Keep still, dad!" she yelled.
She eventually managed to jam the muzzle right against the squishy skin of the
beast and train it so that she hoped she would not also shoot her father. The
gunshot was just a flash of light and an infrasonic thump from inside her suit.
A fountain of dark blood spurted from the creature and mixed with the spilled
water on the floor to make a huge pink puddle. The pseudo-fish immediately
released its grip and fell to the floor where it thrashed around like a landed
squid. Then the spell broke at the same time for the whole group. Everybody
rushed forward to help Clane. He was on his knees panting and groaning.
"Look!" shouted Cronkite. The
fish in the other tanks were doing the same as their fellow, pushing themselves
against their glass prisons to break out; as if they were all following its
example together.
"Everybody out!" roared Col.
Davenport. "Stay away from the tanks!" The entire entourage lined up
in the centre of the aisle to be as far away from the glass walls as possible
and fled in single file. Siobhan and Cronkite assisted Clane, who was still
semi-conscious with shock. The aquariums all cracked and gave way within two
seconds of each other. The floor was inundated with tepid water. The people
cried out in alarm as the fish leapt out of their glass prisons and reached for
the humans. Luckily everybody was much further away from the tanks than Clane
had been and the beasts landed on the floor. Some of them reached out their
tentacles and tried to seize passing feet. The people jumped in the air to
avoid them. There was more gunfire as the soldiers shot the monsters lying on
the floor until what the people left behind was a room spattered with blood,
water and glass shards.
The group gathered in the corridor to
recover, panting and gasping. Medics ran forward in case they were needed.
Clane was now compos mentis. The engineers examined his suit and it was found
to be intact. The bite-marks of the bizarre beast had only penetrated the outer
later of the material. He looked up at his daughter. The tinted face-shield
prevented her from seeing his whole expression, but his eyes were wide in
astonishment and anger. "Mrs Spicer?" he asked sarcastically.
Siobhan felt herself quake at her father's
glare. "I'm sorry, dad."
His eyes softened. He paused and then
placed a hand on her shoulder. "Good shooting." He chuckled weakly.
They returned to the surface.
The rule Col. Davenport had imposed about not using the lifts was still in
place so they climbed the tower of stairs out of the underground lair. Before
they could leave the tented cordon and remove their NBC suits they had to be
washed down with a disinfecting spray. After they doffed their suits they had
to strip naked and have a normal shower. This they did together in a single
compartment. Safety outweighed modesty and Siobhan was not allowed a separate
facility just because she was a woman. Everybody washed their bodies
methodically, respectfully averting their gaze from each other. The detergent made
her eyes sting and her skin dry. It was dark and cold outside when they
returned to the tent. She sat opposite her father as they ate their dinner.
They hardly spoke, but every so often he would look at her and smile knowingly.
Clane Quilley was a household name, at least he would have been if everything
had not broken down and the world had not gone mad after Saucer Day. For a
while it looked as if the structure of society would hold together; it reeled
and teetered under the impact, but appeared to steady itself. Then, just as it
looked as if it would remain upright permanently, it disintegrated into a cloud
of dust exactly as the Empire State Building had on Mars Day a decade earlier. During the thirteen
months since, the people of America lived by hand to mouth to gun. She'd heard rumours
that many other nations had fared somewhat better, but international news was
sketchy, consisting mostly of rather dubious announcements on highly
questionable meshboards. It had been an ordinary day for everybody, Wednesday
September the 11th 1957 . Then
that afternoon a flying saucer had burst out from beneath the sea in Chesapeake Bay and flew towards Washington DC . People thought it was the "Martians attacking
again", but it was a man. He landed the craft on the White House lawn and
stuck his head out to talk to the people. It was her father, Clane Quilley.
Unknown to everybody, even his family, he had worked here at Area 51 on the
programme of secretly back-engineering alien spacecraft. Also the fake
"Mars vs. Venus" scenario that had seen the world gripped for ten
years in a complete delusion. He told them everything, confessing completely,
holding nothing back. Siobhan, her mother and brother had known nothing about
it until that day when he leapt out of the undergrowth like a madman, gun
levelled, ready to kill. Since then he'd hardly been back home. He had
travelled everywhere attempting to keep the electricity, gas and water supplies
going all over the United States and abroad. He'd most famously helped with the
installation of a Digby-powered irrigation system in eastern Africa ;
a region that had been hit with years of drought and a terrible famine. Siobhan
had also been away, determined to study and become the world's greatest roving
news reporter. This was partly out of a subconscious admiration for her father;
she had the introspection to realize that. However, it was more than that. It
was something she had dreamed of even when she was a small girl and he had been
away at war.
They all went to bed early, physically and
emotionally exhausted. Nightmares haunted Siobhan's sleep, mostly of the day's
events. In the morning after breakfast Clane announced a press corps meeting in
the base, just outside the cordon. "Right." he began. "There will
be another scouting sortie today into the underground facility we explored
yesterday. Because of the unexpected and extreme events of yesterday I insist,
for health and safety reasons, that only the staff who came with us then should
attend today. However because of the... er... distressing experiences we had,
this will again be strictly volunteers only. So, hands up who wants to
Cronkite, Siobhan and the other three who
had come with them before raised their hands.
"Right, that's settled. We're taking
Mr Cronkite, Mr Greencombe, Mr Smith, Mr Kolinsky and...erm..." He gave
his daughter a sideways glance and a sly grin. "... Miss Quilley."
A clean-up team had been
working all through the night to make the upper five levels of the subterranean
base that had already been explored secure, while they waited for the
expeditionary force before venturing deeper. Col. Davenport and Clane Quilley
led the military and embedded press contingencies of the unit down the stairs
they had traversed the day before and to the place they had ended their
previous adventure. They still wore pressurized NBC suits even though the
biological research technicians had so far found no trace of any dangerous
pathogens. This was no guarantee that such pathogens might not still be lurking
in some chamber waiting for the door to open, or some bottle waiting to be
smashed. The sixth level down gave them another surprise. It appeared to be a
series of accommodation blocks, like a hotel or apartments. Each door along the
corridor opened out into a comfortable and spacious flat. They were all
different in their style of furnishings and decorations giving the impression
that these were permanent homes or else long term residences, not just intended
for short stays. They looked inconsistently conventional in such a bizarre
location. These were comfortable and unique inner sanctums. They had lounges
with settees and armchairs with a TV screen facing them, a very large flat one
just like the computer monitors upstairs. A newspaper lay on a coffee table, a
copy of the New York Times dated
September the 11th last year; today's paper on Saucer Day. There were kitchens
with refrigerators, hobs and ovens. A calendar for 1957 hung on one fridge
door. There were bathrooms with water closets and showers. Most rooms had a
large sheet of glass on a wall that released a glow very similar to sunlight.
Siobhan imagined it helped relieve the feeling of claustrophobia that might
well have come from living for long periods underground. She also knew that one's
health could suffer if one were kept away from sunlight for too long. Her
father had once told her this was becoming a major problem on nuclear-powered
submarines. There were lots of pictures in most of the apartments too, of
landscapes, blues skies, the seaside and big cities which must also have eased
the discomfort of living seven hundred feet below the Nevada desert. All the ceilings had grilles from which
wafted air. The first flats were clearly intended for groups of single people,
but then they came to some that only had one bedroom with a double bed; married
quarters. The next question that rose in Siobhan's mind was answered in the
following section of flats. There were some bedrooms that were manifestly
intended for children. They had toys and books very like those in the
out-of-place nursery school they had found on the levels above. There was an
infant's crib beside a double bed in one flat. Davenport and Clane allowed the reporters a freer rein in this
part of the facility because it looked fairly benign and it was awkward
shepherding everybody together from one home to the next, so they were allowed
to explore each flat independently. Siobhan's ears had become used to the
sounds from inside the suit; the crackled conversation in her earpieces, the
hiss of the ventilation system, the creak of the rubbery material as she moved.
However, she somehow became alert to a very different noise long before she
heard it consciously, as soon as she opened the door to the flat in fact. This
was clearly one of the family accommodation units. The lounge had some
children's comics on the table, but something was amiss. She stopped for a
moment, staring and listening, wondering if she should go on. She decided to
venture further in without alerting anybody else; she was probably imagining
things anyway. However when she reached the corridor to the bedrooms she
stopped again. She could now definitely hear a voice. It was coming from one of
the children's bedrooms. She tiptoed as best she could in the cumbersome suit
towards the open door where the voice was coming from. It was a child's voice
singing quietly. Her heart thumped as she peeked around the frame and looked
inside. A young girl was sitting on a chair at a table beside a bed with a
colourful quilt. She was humming to herself randomly as she drew a picture on a
sheet of paper with a felt-tipped pen. On a TV screen nearby a Walt Disney
cartoon was playing with the volume turned right down. She stopped and looked
up at Siobhan. She showed no surprise; maybe just a little curiosity. Her eyes
were an incredible sight, deep blue and very large. Her skin was pale and her
hair golden blonde. She put down her pen and stood up. "Hello." she
Siobhan stood in the doorway staring at the
girl. Her throat stuck as she replied. "Hello." She wondered
momentarily if she were seeing a ghost.
"What's your name?" The girl
smiled showing clean white teeth. Her lips were thin and hardly coloured at
"I'm Kerry... Why are you wearing a
hazmat suit on this level, Siobhan?"
"I... er... I have to; for
"There's no need." Kerry said
confidently. Her accent sounded British with a touch of something else that
Siobhan couldn't identify.
Clane's voice broke into her earphones.
"Siobhan, who are you talking to?"
"Erm... There's somebody here,
She heard a gasp. "OK, maintain the
situation. We're coming over!" A moment later feet pounded in the corridor
outside and a dozen of her colleagues crowded around the bedroom door to try
and see the girl. Kerry looked around eleven or twelve. She was fairly tall and
there was a swelling around her nipples indicating that she was in early
puberty. She smiled calmly at the others and introduced herself politely,
asking their names.
"How did you get here, Kerry?"
asked Siobhan. "Where do you come from?"
She looked nonplussed. "I come from...
"Where are your mom and dad?"
A wave of sadness passed over her gaze.
"They... I think they've gone. They left with the others."
"Kerry." asked Clane. "Have
you been feeding the animals upstairs?"
"Of course." she replied.
"Nobody else is here to do it?"
"Are you alone, Kerry?" asked
Walter Cronkite.
"No, I'll show you to the
others." She ran out of the room and off down the corridor, beckoning them
to follow.
There were about a dozen children living in
the accommodation sector. They were all about the same age as Kerry and with a
similar complexion. They were busy playing football on a small sports court
adjacent to the flats and they stopped and came over when the reporters and
soldiers arrived. Davenport immediately got on the radio and summoned a full
medical team to come and evacuate them. "Colonel." said Siobhan.
"Maybe that's not a good idea."
"What ever do you mean, Miss Quilley?
They're abandoned children! They need to be taken care of."
"It's just..." She wondered why
she was saying this. An inexplicable urge had come over her. She remembered the
genetic laboratories on the floors above and especially the foetuses being
decanted in the artificial wombs. "Are they... normal children?"
He chuckled. "What's a 'normal child'?
My kids are real tearaways."
"No, Colonel. It's just... have you
looked into their eyes? They're... they're not really human... at least not in
the usual sense."
"What are you talking about, Miss
Quilley? How many senses of being human are there?... Don't worry; they'll be
in safe hands. Right now we need to get them out of here and to safety. That is
normal procedure for children found in combat zones, OK?"
The children were luckily quite happy to
cooperate with the medical corps and followed them out of the facility
fearlessly and willingly. Kerry waved goodbye to Siobhan as she was escorted
down the passageway to the stairwell. Then a thought occurred to Siobhan as she
remembered. She turned to her father. "Dad?"
"How come they can hear our voices
when we're inside these suits?"
"What do you mean?"
"I heard somebody speaking in a suit
once when I didn't have one on. Their voice was muffled, almost inaudible.
That's why we have our radios."
He shrugged. "Maybe they've got good
They finally reached the
lowest known level of the secret underground base. It was much taller than the
others and consisted of a single arched chamber about five hundred feet long by
three hundred wide and ninety high. The interior of the chamber resembled a
railway station. There was a line of tracks passing from one end to the other
and both ends consisted of a circular steel door, clearly these covered tunnels
through which the railways ran. The tracks themselves were not normal railway
lines. Each one consisted of three rails that were as smooth as mirrors and
much wider than normal. The platforms were fairly nondescript, very similar to
those on the New York City Subway, with tiled surfaces and benches to sit on
while waiting for trains. There was even a notice board which would normally
give details of arrivals and departures; although this was now blank. There
were three lines passing through the station and on the middle one sat a train.
The team of reporters and their associates crossed over a footbridge to the
platform by the middle track and descended a flight of stairs. The train was
completely circular in cross-section, clearly intended to travel along a
tubular tunnel. Despite this it had large clear windows. The interior had rows
of seats like an airliner, but there was no drivers' cab. The front of the
train was a blunt hemisphere and the passenger cabin ran right up to a circular
window on the nose. It was split into four coaches, each about eighty feet long
with a segmented link between them so it could traverse bends. A faint whine
came from it, indicating its engine was working; whatever kind of engine it
had. The interior lights of the cabin were also glowing as if it had just
pulled up to the platform a minute ago to pick up some passengers and that it
planned to depart within another minute. "So this is how they got
away." said Clane through gritted teeth.
"When the Saucer Day invasion began
they must have jumped aboard these trains and bolted." added Davenport .
"Why did they leave the children
behind?" asked Siobhan.
"How do these trains work?" asked
another reporter. Everybody had ignored Siobhan's question.
"Magnetic levitation is my
guess." said one of the engineers. "I've seen experimental vehicles
like this in Japan . The two side rails are for the levitation and the
middle one is a Laithwaite piste."
"Translation please." asked the
reporter sharply.
"The train has no wheels and does not
touch the track. It floats above it using the homopole magnetic repulsion
effect; like when you try to force two fridge magnets together when they're
both north or both south pole. They don't stick together, they repeal each
other." There's a second set of magnets on the middle rail that pole-phase
in order to generate thrust. It's like a standard electric motor except it runs
in a line and not as a rotation system creating torque."
"Why no driver?" asked Cronkite.
"Its navigation is automated."
"Is that possible?"
"Sure; an elevator doesn't need a
driver to reach the top of a tall building does it?"
"But this is a train."
The engineer shrugged. "What's that
except an elevator that runs horizontally? Especially as this is clearly an
underground railroad. All it has to do is move down a tunnel. There's talk of
making some subway networks run with automatic trains even in the public
"Why is the entrance to the tunnel
behind those doors?" asked Clane.
The engineer paused then gasped and
chuckled with excitement. "This could be a pneumotrain!"
"A what?"
"The reason the tunnel is sealed off
is because there's a vacuum inside it. My guess is that there's a second set of
doors further down the track making this an entrance to an airlock... A
pneumotrain runs in a tunnel that is partly or fully evacuated of its
atmosphere. That means it is very efficient and can achieve very high speeds
because it's not afflicted by drag from the air, like normal trains are. It's
possible they might slightly increase the pressure behind the train too to
assist propulsion, like a blow-dart."
Siobhan walked over to the sidewall of the
train. The vehicle was accessed by a sliding door and a button next to it had
the word press on it. She pressed it
and the door slid open with a hiss. Everybody swung round and gasped.
"What are you doing, Siobhan?" demanded her father. "Be careful!"
"I just wanted to see if it was still
working, dad. Don't get your pants in a twist." She was annoyed at the
others for ignoring her question about the children just now and wanted to get
their attention. She felt Annie was right about male journalists thinking women
couldn't cope with hazardous assignments.
"Well it is; so stay away from that
door! For all we know there could be a function in it that activates the thing
when somebody steps aboard."
"Well perhaps that's good. You said it
yourself earlier; we've got to catch the bastards who did all that stuff
upstairs. This is obviously how the bastards got away. Why don't we use this
train to follow them and apprehend them?"
"That would be extremely reckless at
this point in our expedition. We need armed reinforcements, a mission plan and
a proper reconnaissance report before any kind of venture like that... Now, can
we please get back to the business at hand?" He turned away and addressed
the others.
Siobhan amused herself with how funny it
would be if she boarded the train alone. She knew her father was right, but his
dismissive tone still irked her. However, as the thrill of the idea rose within
her, a part of her started goading herself to do it. She looked at Walter
Cronkite; her hero, the kind of reporter she most longed to be. He caught her
gaze and gave her a supportive smile through his visor. He had picked up on her
feelings and clearly sympathized. Walter Cronkite had written many of her
favourite journalistic essays. He had spoken about when to take risks and when
not. One line stood out in her memory like a motto: "I pity the reporter who takes a risk to get a story and fails...
but not as much as I pity the reporter who declines to take a risk to get a
story and thereby fails a hundred times worse." As those words passed
though her mind she found herself walking towards the open door of the train.
It was if her body were no longer under her control. She was now inside the
carriage. "What the hell are you doing, Siobhan?" she asked herself
out loud. Terror mixed with excitement in perfect proportions to make the most
ecstatic cocktail.
"SIOBHAN!" She heard her father's
yell in her earpiece. He was right. The doors slid shut by themselves and the
humming of the engine grew louder. The train began to move, so slowly and
smoothly that it was imperceptible. Her father was now banging his fists
manically against the windows of the carriage. "SIOBHAN!" his voice
was hoarse with fear inside her helmet.
She tried to reply, but her throat was
numb. She turned and looked at him. She gave him a confident thumbs up. She
didn't want to frighten him.
Clane ran along beside the accelerating
train, continuing to call out her name. Some of the others ran up to him and
held him back as the platform fell away to the track. Ahead the circular doors
to the tunnel were sliding apart. As the train passed through them her father's
voice was abruptly cut off, presumably because the radio connection was lost.
He continued to gesture pitifully until the doors closed and the station was
severed from sight. Siobhan stood alone on the unknown underground train. The
enormity of her folly crashed down on her like a tsunami, but it was too late
to turn back. She walked towards the front of the train and stared out of the
oval nosecone at the immaculate blackness of the tunnel ahead.
Roswell Revealed can be purchased as an entire book here:
Roswell Revealed can be purchased as an entire book here:
That is fucking awful writing. Why can't you leave anything to the reader's imagination; why do you try to control everything? If I were to apply précis to this style of writing I could probably half that entire text and it would still make sense and it would sound crisper and sharper. You didn't learn even one golden rule from Orwell did you? Never use a long word where a short one will do. Long words don’t make you sound intelligent unless used skillfully. I would class your style of writing as gloopy and tiring. Too many adjectives. Sorry, but that is the truth.
ReplyDeleteWell hark at Martha Kearney! It is actually not my intention to mimic George Orwell's style. I state in this article why, as much as I admire Orwell, I don't follow his policy on vocabulary, see: As for giving the reader a sense of mystery; I have tried to achieve that. Read the entire novel to find out more ;-) In the end what you think of the book is something you alone are qualified to comment on. I do not care and it's none of my business.