Saturday, 6 July 2019

Roswell Rising- Corrected

I am working on an updated version of Roswell Rising- a Novel of Disclosure, the first part of my Roswell Trilogy. The changes I'll be making are not far-reaching enough to justify it being called a "new edition". I will simply be correcting a few spelling mistakes and replacing a few words. I might add or remove a sentence or two. Repeated readers will probably not even notice the difference. I will also be removing the website list in the end matter and replacing it with an advert for the Trilogy and some review quotes, either at the beginning or end. The timeline will remain. The cover will also remain exactly the same. These changes will apply from about the middle of the month, so any copy of Rising purchased new after that will have these changes. Until then the book is still available in its current form.


  1. Stick to the plan Ben. No changes, no secrets revealed, It was a weather balloon that got caught in a passing mongoose who was mocking a paperclip.

  2. Whosoever comments on the 'Roswell' incident, has NO authority to cover up the Facts.
    There were NO UFO's at Roswell.
    As an ex-Air Force person, I can guarantee there were NO flying saucers at Roswell, and the US military had FULL knowledge of what was going to arrive at least 24 hours prior to the 'incident'.
    For FULL DISCLOSURE as to the nature of what happened, you need to view the Forensic Evidence provided by Douglas Dietrich on his website concerning the dirigibles crash landing over a 47 mile distance.
    Why was there a 20 mile long convoy of military vehicles waiting for this event to take place?
    The 'bio-weapon' of mass destruction delivered by the Japanese government in 1947, was diabolical to say the least.
    The money being made by charlatans and 'disinfo agents' over the Roswell farce should be handed back to everybody who wasted their funds on Fictitious books.

  3. BlueyBlogger, you're completely wrong. There were UFO's at Roswell. Dietrich misunderstands many factors of the incident. There was indeed a controlled response to the ET vehicle crash because the US already had units specially trained in this unusual duty. Roswell was not the first "Roswell" you see! As for "disinfo agents". Do you mean those with the ETH explanation like Stanton Friedman and Don Schmitt? How would disinfo like that work? The purpose of disinfo is to confuse and distract; well in that case it hasn't worked very well has it? Non-ETH believers like Dietrch, Jacobson, Pflock etc would never have "found out" what they did without the initial attention drawn towards Roswell by Friedman, Jesse Marcel etc. As for "fictitious books". My books ARE openly fiction, hence the word "novel".
